Allied Genetic Resources
Semen Sales

Real world bulls designed and bred to generate profits for commercial cattle producers are the only bulls you will find carrying the Allied brand. Fertility, calving ease, efficient and often exceptional growth, carcass excellence and proven maternal value are all bred in to help ensure success and profit for years to come. We know that the sires you chose to use this year can have a significant financial impact on your herd for at least the next 10 to 15 years. That is why we offer and promote genetics designed for the largest segment of the beef business, the commercial cattlemen. We now have several great options to access industry leading genetics from Allied programs.
- Allied Semen and Genetics has been a partner with ORIgen located in Billings, Montana since 2010. The ORIgen commitment of “breeder to breeder” services is much like our own at Allied and they are a great partner to work with. We currently offer more than 150 sires with inventory distributed by ORIgen including industry leading SimAngus, Simmental, Red Angus and Angus options.
- Genex, ABS, Select Sires, ST and Cattle Visions have been a great semen marketing partners now for many years. Their experienced team of distributors and technicians do a tremendous job servicing customers across the country. You will see the Allied logo on many of their SimGenetics bulls. Make sure you look for the Allied logo as an assurance of genetic excellence for the entire beef business. Originating from some of the best programs in the nation, you need only look at the genetic values, pedigrees and sources to understand the goals of our partnership efforts.
- For those needing the very best in beef on dairy options we now have that availability at Allied with bulls selected genomically for the value-added terminal traits you need to be profitable without worries of calving issues. We also offer dairy producers very competitive pricing and flexible bull ownership options.
2024 Allied Semen Guide
Contact any Allied staff member to order semen today. For more information, contact Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 or Rocky Forseth 406-590-7984.
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